First day of the boycott - over 50 bloggers and over 1k ppl participating, keep spreading the word.

In a few days the Pirate Bay-trial starts, the government says its not a political trial.
But if not, why is the EU-Parliament trying to precede the trial with the Medina-report?
With this boycott against the media-industries you will be sending a message that you wont accept this.
Numerous reports has, independent of eachother, reached the conclusion that filesharing isnt bad for the media-industry, au contraire it can boost the sales.
The Dutch Finance Department report.
The Harvard Study
The KTH-Report
The Gothenburg University report.
So who do you believe?
Paid lobbyists or independent research.
A little text about this global 3 week boycott on the media industry.
A thing that started as an idea last friday is already bigger than most other boycotts.
Just 3-4 years ago, a boycott took months to plann and years to implement.
Now its just a matter of weeks, and in this case, only a matter of days.
Im proud of what we all have managed to accomplice this far, but its a long way to go.
As stated by the founder Michael Gajditza - Svensk Myndighetskontroll.
"It's about time we consumers show these Hollywood clowns and their attorneys what consumer power is all about.
The way I see it, we have a chance to send a powerful message to the industry if all file sharers can agree to not buy any records, films or games for three weeks.
(my comment - This event is for all to join, not just file-sharers.)
There would be two effects. First, a reduction in sales, but above all, it would send a message to the industry that we file sharers actually do buy the stuff we download to test out or sample prior to purchase.
The problem is getting the message out to the public at large, so if you read this and think it's a good idea, spread it on blogs and to friends to make this a truly global boycott.
If enough people join this, within and outside this Facebook event, we can make a difference.
The boycott starts February 9th, 2009 and ends March 1st, 2009"
So please, join in on the facebook-group "3 week global media-boycott"
Link to this or to any of the listed blogs, write about it and mail your friends.
The items on the boycott-list are:
* No purchases of CD's.
* No purchases of films.
* No purchases of computer games.
* No visits to movie theaters.
* No movie rentals.
The boycott starts February 9th, 2009 and ends March 1st, 2009
Bloggers that support this boycott are.
Svensk Myndighetskontroll (founder)
Scaber Nestor
Jens Odsvall
Farmor Gun i Norrtälje
Olofs Blogg
Mina Moderata Karameller
Argast Nu
Thomas Hartman
Scratches and Dust
Zac's åsikter
Ett otygs funderingar och betraktelser
Anna Troberg
Henrik Alexandersson
Jörgen Boström
Lars-Erick's Blogg
Alla dessa åsikter
Anders Widén
Erik Hultin.
El Rubio
Sanna: Mina ord
A. Mikael Eriksson
Bitches, Bruises, Booze & Blackouts.
Christian Engström (pp)
Törnebohms Hotspot.
Sagor från livbåten
Tango för enbenta
Sultans Blogg
Margareth Osju
Mikeees Songs
Hampus Algotsson
Hellre upplyst än nedsläckt
Out Off Line
Nuttes Funderingar
Promenader och Utflykter
Udda Bitar
Tempus Fugit
Tankefel och Dylikt
Isak Gerson
Jan Sjöholm
Hjalmar den Onde
Andreas Viklund
AB, SvD, SvD2, IDG, Ny Teknik, SydSv, Sweclockers, Expr, IDG2, SydSv2, DM, SydSv3, KvP, PC-World Nz, Numerama, YouVox, SkyNet, Chip Online, Gulli News, MegaLab, Aftenposten, Sprout, Doom4, SvD3, SydSv4.
Pinged at Twingly, Intressant and a few international blog-pings for maximum spread.
Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om Three week Global media-boycott, boycott, 3 veckors global köpbojkott mot media-industrin, bojkott, drei vochen medien boycottieren, boycotterien, trois semaines de boycott des médias, três semanas de mídia boicote, boicote, tres semanas de boicot a los medios de comunicación, boicot, IPRED, blogs, CD, films, computer games, movie theaters, movie rental, albums, records
"Numerous reports has, independent of eachother, reached the conclusion that filesharing isnt bad for the media-industry, au contraire it can boost the sales."
Men om det är sant, varför är då mediaindustrin emot fildelning?
"Numerous reports has, independent of eachother, reached the conclusion that filesharing isnt bad for the media-industry, au contraire it can boost the sales."
Men om det är sant, varför är då mediaindustrin emot fildelning?
(glömde sätta namn på min kommentar)
Jag vet inte Olov, men en gissning är att de redan från början låst sig vid en viss åsikt och nu inte kan lämna den.
Lite av Hallandsåsen-tunneln över det.
De har plöjt ner så jävla mycket cash på det nu att de hellre lägger ut miljarder på något som är fel och ogenomförbart än att erkänna att de hade fel.