First day, 104 people and 10 blogs - day2 = 331 ppl and 24 blogs. The 3 week Boycott is on the move.

After day one we could count in 104 people in the facebook-group and 10 bloggers supporting this attempt on a global 3-week boycott on the media-industry.
A summary of day 2 is 331 persons and 24 bloggers.
Triple the amount of people and more than double the amount of bloggers, not that bad ey?
Wouldnt mind if it kept on like that.
A few questions have risen and i want to share with you an answer i gave on an american blog.
the Troll Report
Its not as much about filesharing as it is a protest against multi billion dollar companies getting special laws written to serve their outdated businesses.
I mean, how many actually buys a whole record nowadays?
If i like a song, i want to purchase that song for a reasonable fee.
If i like a movie i want to be able to see that movie at the time of my choice and at a reasanable fee.
But the music and movie-business not only says i cant buy a certain song or even watch a movie, they actually prevent me from listening and watching it at all because of these ridiculous zones that says that american songs are for the american market only and just a few reaches overseas to Europe and vice versa.
For instance, The Swedish Artist Robyn had a chance of recieving an american grammy 2008 for a album that was released over here four years ago.
But you couldnt buy it until last year because the record-industry said that you couldnt.
Is that fair?
I say:
Hell No!
Thats why i urge you to spread the word of this global 3-week media-boycott on records, movies and games to show this filthy mogul industry whos in charge.
Write about it on your blogs, email your friends, if you have a facebook-account, then join the event
Three week Global media-boycott.
A manifestation against the media industries attempt to control what we watch, listen to and buy.
Invite all your friends and lets make a fu***ng difference.
These are the bloggers that support this boycott (Febr 3, 2009 - 03:10 (CET)
Svensk Myndighetskontroll (founder)
Scaber Nestor
Jens Odsvall
Farmor Gun i Norrtälje
Olofs Blogg.
Mina Moderata Karameller
Argast Nu
Thomas Hartman
Scratches and Dust
Zac's åsikter
Ett otygs funderingar och betraktelser
Anna Troberg
Henrik Alexandersson
Jörgen Boström
Lars-Erick's Blogg
Alla dessa åsikter
Anders Widén
Erik Hultin.
El Rubio
Sanna: Mina ord
A. Mikael Eriksson
Bitches, Bruises, Booze & Blackouts.
Christian Engström (pp)
Törnebohms Hotspot.
Sagor från livbåten
Tango för enbenta
Sultans Blogg
Margareth Osju
Pinged at Twingly, Intressant and a few international blog-pings for maximum spread.
Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om Three week Global media-boycott, 3 veckors global köpbojkott mot media-industrin, drei vochen medien boycottieren, trois semaines de boycott des médias, três semanas de mídia boicote, tres semanas de boicot a los medios de comunicación, records, Games, Movies, CD, DVD, Computer Games, Biobesök, hyrfilm
Påven har fått spader.
Vi håller tummarna för hela världen! Undergången förestår.
Egenvårdstips, effektiv kur mot sårinfektioner: badda skadad kroppsdel i så hett vatten som möjligt så länge som möjligt. Funkar suvve. Effektiv kur mot hjärtbesvär: fasta.
Cher = blaha blaha. Här gäller blott Nastassia Kinski, svartapanterbrud från onda 70talet.
Rösta på Piratpartiet!
Varsågoda ett recept:
Isterband Ingestad
Isterband (från Scan) steks upp i högsta värme med smör, lök, röd paprika, chilisås och rödkryddor (chili, paprika, cayennepeppar, tabasco), salt & peppar och smulas med gaffel efterhand som de spricker. Potatismos, går bra med pulvertyp, kokas upp i kastrull. När steket är färdig hälls alltihop över i kastrullen och rörs om ordentlligt. Klart att serveras.
Andreas Lundstedt "hyllades för att ha kommit ut som HIV-positiv". Vad är det för en merit!?!? Så djävla äckligt.
Pris och pris, förresten, stora bloggpriset också, Den Nya Vågen har fått sitt Etablissemang. gäsp Den verkligt mäktige aktören surf, surf här är jag: ett osynligt svart hål, vars enorma gravitationsfält rockenrular hela bloggsfären.