Svår, men riktigt jävla viktig text om EU's nya spionorganisation Europol.
Och det är idag en sådan organisation, ganska hämmad av olika länders regelverk och byråkrati.
Men när man läser de senaste texterna (EU-direktiv) växer en ganska otäck bild fram av vilka befogenheter Europol ska få i framtiden.
Detta får byråkratsvenska att verka som bilderböcker och jag lämnar det öppet för att jag helt enkelt har missförstått det, men jag tror inte det.
Hela texten följt av utdrag och mina kommentarer.
PURPOSE: to set the implementing rules for Europol analysis work files.
PROPOSED ACT: Council Decision.
BACKGROUND: in accordance with Council Decision 2009/371/JHA establishing Europol as a Community agency, it is for the Council, acting by qualified majority after consulting the European Parliament, to adopt implementing rules for analysis work files.
The purpose of this proposal is to set those implementing rules.
CONTENT: the rules laid down in this text shall apply to the processing of data for the purpose of analysis, as referred to in Article 14(1) of the Europol Decision. These rules take the form of general principles to apply to the gathering and processing of data, technical measures for the classification of data and rules for the use of analysis work files and analysis data.
Those different rules may be summarised as follows:
(1) General principles: these rules essentially apply to the types of data to collect, as well as to the gathering and processing of such data.
Terms for the communication of data supplied to Europol for the purpose of analysis: the proposal contains a number of provisions aimed at establishing the framework for supplying data to transmit to Europol. Such data shall be communicated to the agency, either in a structured or unstructured form, by national units, in order to be included in an analysis work file.
The Member State supplying the data shall notify Europol of the purpose for which the data are supplied. Provisions shall determine, in particular, the respective responsibilities of Europol and the Member States with regard to data supplied and the processing of the data in an analysis work file. On the whole, such data shall remain under the responsibility of the Member State which supplied the data but Europol shall be responsible for ensuring that it may be accessed only by the Member States which supplied the data or analysts for the purpose of analysis.
Data (including paper files and documents) shall be returned to the Member State which supplied them, or be deleted or destroyed, where they are no longer necessary for the purpose of analysis. They must in any case be deleted or destroyed after the analysis work file is closed.
Types of personal data that may appear in the analysis work files: in order to carry out its investigative tasks, Europol must have access to personal data supplied by the Member States and store tem in analysis work files. Such data shall then be processed in strict compliance with the provisions of this proposal and the Europol Decision.
Such data cover the following main areas:
- personal details (surname, forename, sex, date and place of birth, nationality, alias, present and former residence/domicile, etc.);
- physical description;
- identifications means (including national identity card/passport number, national identification number/social security number, or forensic identification information such as fingerprints, DNA profile, voice profile, blood group, dental information, etc;
- occupation;
- economic and financial information (bank accounts and codes, credit cards, cash assets, etc.);
- behavioural data (for example, lifestyle, routine, places frequented, weapons, danger rating, escape probability, drug abuse, etc;
- contacts and associates;
- means of communication used, such as telephone (static/mobile), electronic mail, postal addresses, etc;
- means of transport used, such as vehicles, boats, aircraft, including registration numbers;
- information relating to criminal activities (previous convictions, suspected involvement in criminal activities, modi operandi, means which were or may be used to prepare and/or commit crimes, membership of criminal organisations, material gathered in the course of an investigation, etc.);
- references to other databases in which information on the person is stored (Europol, police/customs agencies, other enforcement agencies, international organisations, public entities, etc.);
- information on legal persons associated with the data.
Other types of data that may also be stored in an analysis work file have also been clarified, for example information on previous victims at the hands of the suspect or on associated persons (for example, persons with whom the suspect has kept in contact or on persons who could be called upon to testify against him/her).
Processing of data: the processing of data referred to in the proposal may only take place in strict compliance with the rules set out in the proposal. The processing must not go beyond the intended purpose for analysis and data may not be stored longer than necessary to that end. However, there are derogations for the continued storage of data.
Time-limits for examination and duration of storage: a procedure is provided for to decide to derogate from the time-limits for storing personal data (i.e. beyond three years, in accordance with the Europol Decision). In such an event, the interests of Europol in performing its tasks shall be weighed against the legitimate data protection interests of the data subject concerning whom data are stored. The need for continued storage of all personal data shall be reviewed regularly.
The proposal contains other provisions for the storage or deletion of personal data in order to keep track of a file being examined (for example, in the event of a court decision in a Member State on a case concerning a suspect who is the subject of an analysis work file, etc.).
In any event, if personal data are stored in a file for a period exceeding five years, the Joint Supervisory Body referred to in the Europol Decision shall be informed accordingly and shall take the necessary measures.
Association of third parties: Europol may associate experts of institutions, bodies, offices and agencies, and experts of third States and organisations with the activities of an analysis group, through a prior arrangement.
(2) Classification of data: the proposal contains technical provisions on the classification of data. Those provisions concern, in particular:
- classes of analysis work files: strategic or operational;
- assessment of the source and of the information communicated to Europol (criteria to respect in terms of the authenticity of the source and the reliability of the information, etc.).
(3) rules for the use of analysis work files and analysis data: specific and technical rules are set out in order to establish the framework for:
- the opening of analysis work files: these shall be opened at Europol's initiative or at the request of the Member States supplying the data;
- the retrieval of data: only participants of the analysis group may retrieve data from the file;
- the transmission of data or information held in analysis work files to a Member State: the transmission of data to a Member State or third party is recorded in the file concerned and shall be subject to regular controls by Europol;
- the control procedures: in order to meet the data security requirements when processing data;
- the use and storage of analysis data and analysis results: all personal data and analysis results transmitted from an analysis work file may only be used in accordance with the purpose of the file or for the purposes of preventing and combating other serious forms of crime. After an analysis work file is closed, all data contained in that file shall be stored by Europol in a separate file, which shall only be accessible for the purposes of internal or external control;
- the combination of files: where it becomes apparent that information contained in an analysis work file may also be relevant for different analysis work files;
- the use of new technical means for the processing of data for the purpose of analysis (these may be introduced only if all reasonable measures for ensuring that their use is consistent with the rules on the protection of personal data applicable to Europol have been adopted).
Text from directive
My Comment
Council Decision 2009/371/JHA
Tasks: as regards its tasks, EUROPOL will be able to provide support (not operational, but more in terms of analysis) to Member States in connection with the organisation of international events with a public order policing impact. It will henceforth be able to receive information from private bodies for use in the framework of its traditional activities. Therefore, Europol may:
- collect, store, process, analyse and exchange information and intelligence;
- notify the competent authorities of the Member States of information concerning them and of any connections identified between criminal offences;
- aid investigations in the Member States, in particular by forwarding all relevant information to the national units;
- ask the competent authorities of the Member States concerned to initiate, conduct or coordinate investigations and to suggest the setting up of joint investigation teams in specific cases;
- provide intelligence and analytical support to Member States in connection with major international events;
- prepare threat assessments, strategic analyses and general situation reports relating to its objective, including organised crime threat assessments.
I thought Europol would be the new European Police Force such as Interpol, but here i read that it more or less will be the new Spy-organization.
Terms for the communication of data supplied to Europol for the purpose of analysis: the proposal contains a number of provisions aimed at establishing the framework for supplying data to transmit to Europol. Such data shall be communicated to the agency, either in a structured or unstructured form, by national units, in order to be included in an analysis work file.
Such data shall (not should, shall), be communicated to the agency by national units?
Do we have a collector (in Sweden) of these amounts of data about people?
Is it through the existing data in Folkbokföringsregistret (googletranslate - Civil Registry?) or is it a more massive input with existing data in all our registrys such as healthcare-registry, unemployment-registry and so on?
Types of personal data that may appear in the analysis work files: in order to carry out its investigative tasks, Europol must have access to personal data supplied by the Member States and store tem in analysis work files. Such data shall then be processed in strict compliance with the provisions of this proposal and the Europol Decision.
Such data cover the following main areas:
- personal details (surname, forename, sex, date and place of birth, nationality, alias, present and former residence/domicile, etc.);
- physical description;
- identifications means (including national identity card/passport number, national identification number/social security number, or forensic identification information such as fingerprints, DNA profile, voice profile, blood group, dental information, etc;
- occupation;
- economic and financial information (bank accounts and codes, credit cards, cash assets, etc.);
- behavioural data (for example, lifestyle, routine, places frequented, weapons, danger rating, escape probability, drug abuse, etc;
- contacts and associates;
- means of communication used, such as telephone (static/mobile), electronic mail, postal addresses, etc;
- means of transport used, such as vehicles, boats, aircraft, including registration numbers;
- information relating to criminal activities (previous convictions, suspected involvement in criminal activities, modi operandi, means which were or may be used to prepare and/or commit crimes, membership of criminal organisations, material gathered in the course of an investigation, etc.);
- references to other databases in which information on the person is stored (Europol, police/customs agencies, other enforcement agencies, international organisations, public entities, etc.);
- information on legal persons associated with the data.
Im sorry, is all this going to be collected about all of us?
Sociograms for a non transparent government organization so they can interprate (read dot9) information relating to criminal activities (previous convictions, suspected involvement in criminal activities, modi operandi, means which were or may be used to prepare and/or commit crimes, membership of criminal organisations, material gathered in the course of an investigation, etc.);
Im not even halfway through this document and my gut feeling is FFS!!!
Now take the information in the directive above with this.
- Exceptional cases: Europol may transmit personal data and classified information which it holds to third parties insofar as the Director considers their transmission to be absolutely necessary to safeguard the essential interests of the Member States concerned within the scope of Europol's objectives or in the interests of preventing imminent danger associated with crime or terrorist offences. The Decision contains provisions for the transmission of both personal and classified information in such cases.
- Transmission of personal data: transmission of personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or trade-union membership and the transmission of data concerning a person's health or sex life shall not be permitted unless strictly necessary. The recipient shall give an undertaking that the personal data shall be corrected or deleted if it emerges that they are incorrect, inaccurate, or no longer up-to-date or should not have been transmitted.
- Onward transmission of data: transmission of personal data by Europol to third States and transmission within that State shall be restricted to competent authorities, which shall be explicitly mentioned in any agreement concluded. The Decision establishes the conditions under which the onward transmission of information may take place (for instance, in the interests of preventing imminent danger associated with crime or terrorist offences). In particular, no onward transmission of data communicated to Europol by a Member State shall be allowed without the prior consent of the Member State concerned.
- Receipt of information by Europol from third parties: the Decision establishes specific conditions for the receipt of information by Europol from third parties, including an assessment of the source and of the information to determine the reliability and provisions for the correction and deletion of information received. If Europol has reason to believe that information supplied is inaccurate or no longer up-to-date, it shall inform the EU body or third party which supplied the information and request that the EU body or third party inform Europol of its position. Where information is corrected or deleted by Europol, it shall inform the supplying EU body or third party of the correction or deletion. Information which has clearly been obtained by a third State in obvious violation of human rights shall not be processed.
Pinged at Twingly, Intressant
Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om EU, EU-direktiv, spion, Europol, sociogram, trafikdata, rådata, information,
Du har ju läst rätt. Det jag inte kan förstå är att eftersom alla underrättelsetjänster redan samarbetar väl, polissamarbetet i Europa är gott, enligt mkt goda källor - varför ska man då delegera ännu fler befogenheter till ytterligare instanser? Det är för mig obegripligt när det inte inbegriper funktionalitet utan bara blir en byråkratisk apparat till.
Många hälsningar
Jag tror det underliggande är att föra över befogenheter till parlamentet istället för kommissionen och när de gör det passar de på att ge dem fler och mer ingående befogenheter gentemot privatpersoner.
Jag tror syftet är gott, men i det långa loppet kan det skada långt mer än det ger nytta.
Låter som Darth Vadar och hans apparatchiks håller på och stärker sina ställningar!?
Detta påminner om en motsvarande situation som rådde i ett visst europeiskt land för 70 år sedan med organisationer med namn som Schutzstaffeln (SS) och Geheime Staatspolizei/GeStapo (Gestapo).
Läs mer här och jämför:
Rätta mig gärna ifall jämförelsen haltar.
I vanliga fall tillåter jag inte jämförelser med Nazi-Tyskland, men eftersom jag är såpass osäker angående omfattningen av Europols nya direktiv låter jag den vara kvar i diskussionssyfte.
Jag har läst en del märkligheter kring Europol men jag är inte säker på att just detta är den problematiska biten.
Jag tycker detta mest verkar vara en beskrivning av en vanligt polisiärt spaningsregister. Och med beskrivningar av kvalitetskrav på uppgifter som lämnas till registret.
Utan att ha gjort en direkt jämförelse så uppfattar jag det som att dessa regler är mycket lika det regelverk som omgärdar svenska polisens spaningsregister. Möjligen kan detta till och med vara bättre eftersom det klargörs vem som har ansvaret för att korrigera felaktiga eller föråldrade uppgifter.
Om man jämför med FRA-lagen och dess reglering av FRAs spaningsregister så är detta tusen gånger bättre reglerat, för i FRA-lagen saknas så gott som hela det regelverk som beskrivs för detta spaningsregister.
Jag gör inte en likadan tolkning. Om jag läste den första delen rätt så kommer data endast att sparas för specifika analyser, som inte kommer initieras inifrån Europol. Den data som sparas kommer dessutom förstöras (utom i vissa speciella fall), och om någon data överhuvudtaget sparas i mer än fem år så kommer en översynsmyndighet (eller parlamentsutskott?) att underrättas.
Visst finns det många undantag för "strictly necessary to protect against terrorism" och liknande, men något som är värt att notera är att det <i>inte</i> finns ett sådant undantag för att överföra data från Europol till ett tredje land utan medlemsstatens tillstånd (alltså det land som skickat datat från början).
Sammantaget så kan jag hålla med om att det finns lite väl mycket undantag för min smak, men det är väldigt mycket mer strikt reglerat än (som tidigare noterats) exempelvis FRA.
@Rasmus & Petter Eriksson.
Det jag inriktar mig på är att det faktiskt inte står att dessa data enbart ska vara av personer misstänkta för brott, utan restriktionerna som finns är att man ska ta Hänsyn till individen och att man inte får använda sig av data som:
<i>"Information which has clearly been obtained by a third State in obvious violation of human rights shall not be processed."</i>
Det finns rum för alltför mycket tolkningar, och om dessa restriktioner är mycket bättre än de vi har på vår nationella polis blir jag väldigt orolig.
Men inte förvånad, vi har polismetodutredningen som är på väg som är ett under av skygglappslagstiftning där restriktionerna baseras på att alla poliser och befäl aldrig begår överträdelser.
Det är sant att det i den text du citerar inte står att personerna skall vara misstänkta för brott, men då min tolkning fortfarande är att Europol är en resurs (av analytiker, samordning etc.) för de deltagande polismyndigheterna snarare än en självständig informationsbehandlingsenhet/spionorganisation, så får man hoppas att den restriktionen redan finns längre ner i kedjan.
I den citerade texten så finns inget om att massiva mängder med information skall överföras till Europol. Snarare tvärtom.
Däremot skall jag säga att jag inte är särskilt påläst vad gäller Europol, så jag vet inte vad som finns i övriga direktiv och texter.
Jag anser att Sverige ska lämna EU innan tvångsupprepningen av 30-talet blir total - när våldet, interneringar enligt europeisk arresteringsorder, deportationer, avskaffandet av yttrandefriheten osv är fullt genomfört.