Vad håller på att ske i Storbritannien?

Börjar väljarna bli trötta på de två stora trätobröderna?

Verkar så, med 3 veckor kvar till det brittiska valet (6 maj) så leder liberaldemokraterna.

En snabbkoll på deras hemsida visar stora likheter med såväl miljöpartiet och centerpartiet (centern som det står skrivet, inte som de faktiskt röstar i riksdagen).

Deras integritetspolitik ser helt ok ut, med brittisk standard det vill säga, i världens mest övervaka(n)de land är detta en förbättring.


• Rebuilding cohesive communities by reviving local democracy and reversing the
centralisation to Westminster and Whitehall.

• A cross-party study of training for active citizenship and the creation of a force of civilian
reservists to rebuild the local capabilities to cope with emergencies.

• Emergency measures when needed, and tough penalties when justified. We insist that the
rule of law and the protection of individual liberty and privacy are core British values which it
is the role of government to defend.

• Increasing the likelihood of successful prosecution in both terrorism and organised crime
cases by supporting the admissibility of intercept evidence in these cases. This would avoid
having to resort to such desperate measures as control orders or a further extension of precharge

• Supporting the principle of Responsibility to Protect. Prevention is better than cure;
intervention should be for humanitarian reasons, and must involve wide international
participation under UN authority and have reasonable and achievable aims and a clear and
realistic exit strategy.

• That the UK works with partners and allies to ensure fragile states do not become failed

• Supporting Britain’s continued commitment to Afghanistan. The priority must be as far as
possible to reconstruct viable institutions and the local and national economy.


Hursomhelst ska det bli intressant att se hur det går, intressantare än jag trodde att det skulle bli.

Pinged at TwinglyIntressant
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Postat av: Michael Gajditza

Hej! Det hör ju inte hemma under den här blogposten egentligen men jag var nyfiken på hur det gått med den fildelande studenten på MDH?

Postat av: Lars-Erick F

Mycket intressant opinionsläge!

Borde få svenska partiledare att tänka till...

2010-04-19 @ 11:04:23

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