IPRED-watch, are you being investigated by the copyrighti-industries? (new Swedish net-service)
In Malmoe (Swe) Jacob Hansson came up with Ipred-Watch (link), a net based service where you enter your IP-number and email and you will be notified if your IP-number is being investigated through Swedish court.
In Sweden, at the moment the copyright-industries ask the court to find out who a person is from an IP-number, it becomes a public act and those anyone can look at.
Sydsv, Overclockers, Nordic Hardware, Blog Pirate, Allt inom IT,
Pinged at Twingly, Intressant
Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om IPRED, Ipred watch, filesharing, fildelning, copyright, upphovsrätt
In Sweden, at the moment the copyright-industries ask the court to find out who a person is from an IP-number, it becomes a public act and those anyone can look at.
Sydsv, Overclockers, Nordic Hardware, Blog Pirate, Allt inom IT,
Pinged at Twingly, Intressant
Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om IPRED, Ipred watch, filesharing, fildelning, copyright, upphovsrätt