EU - Den nya adelns lekstuga.
Tänker bara lite snabbt ta er igenom historiken bakom "vår" nya Utrikesminister, Baronessan Ashton of Uphollands.
Med lite hjälp av engelsk media.
The credentials of Baroness Ashton are [...]
A Left-wing apparatchik all her career, she has never been elected to any of the positions she has held.
A former chairman of a local health authority, she was made a peer by Tony Blair in 1999, then greased her way up the hierarchy of government, becoming leader of the Lords in 2007. In this role she demonstrated her scorn for the British people by ramming the Lisbon Treaty through Parliament without the referendum that Gordon Brown had promised.
Even more disturbing is her background as a leading figure in the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, the sinister Left-wing organisation that lobbied for Britain to remove its own military defences in the face of the Soviet threat. In the late Seventies and early eighties Ashton served as both a full- time official and national treasurer of CND, just when the Cold
War was at its peak. As was later revealed when the Russian and east German archives were opened up after the fall of the Berlin Wall, CND was riddled with Soviet sympathisers.

Hon är säkert kunnig och påläst men faktum är att hon aldrig varit folkvald.
Lite krasst kan man säga att hon knullat sig fram i livet, eftersom hon fått sina uppdrag just för att hon är brittisk (ingift) högadel.
I Sverige verkar det bara vara GP som är kritiska till sättet den politiska adeln väljs ut.
Pinged at Twingly, Intressant
Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om Baronessan Ashton of Uphollands, house of lords, british nobel, adel, EU, utrikesminister, lekstuga, folkvald
Med lite hjälp av engelsk media.
The credentials of Baroness Ashton are [...]
A Left-wing apparatchik all her career, she has never been elected to any of the positions she has held.
A former chairman of a local health authority, she was made a peer by Tony Blair in 1999, then greased her way up the hierarchy of government, becoming leader of the Lords in 2007. In this role she demonstrated her scorn for the British people by ramming the Lisbon Treaty through Parliament without the referendum that Gordon Brown had promised.
Even more disturbing is her background as a leading figure in the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, the sinister Left-wing organisation that lobbied for Britain to remove its own military defences in the face of the Soviet threat. In the late Seventies and early eighties Ashton served as both a full- time official and national treasurer of CND, just when the Cold
War was at its peak. As was later revealed when the Russian and east German archives were opened up after the fall of the Berlin Wall, CND was riddled with Soviet sympathisers.

Hon är säkert kunnig och påläst men faktum är att hon aldrig varit folkvald.
Lite krasst kan man säga att hon knullat sig fram i livet, eftersom hon fått sina uppdrag just för att hon är brittisk (ingift) högadel.
I Sverige verkar det bara vara GP som är kritiska till sättet den politiska adeln väljs ut.
Pinged at Twingly, Intressant
Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om Baronessan Ashton of Uphollands, house of lords, british nobel, adel, EU, utrikesminister, lekstuga, folkvald
Postat av: Markus "LAKE" Berglund
Lite kul att du skriver "GP", GP - the man är ju ett typexempel på den svenska. politiska adeln.
Postat av: scaber
Hehe, poäng :)
fast i detta fallet är det Göteborgs-Posten som avses :)